Have you seen the commercial for the Werther's not-orginal?
A woman in her 30-somethings is sitting on the sofa talking about how incredible, how unexpected and surprising the new morsel is. As you may recall, the Werther's originals are hard caramel candies that you can suck on until it gets small and sharp. The kind that you find in little bowls at the chiropractor's office. The new Werther's are covered in chocolate and have a soft caramel center.
The lady on the commercial bites ever so slowly and the gooey caramel oozes out from the center. She sits, savoring the softness. For an entire thirty seconds you watch the commercial, you think that you have to go out and buy a bag of these.
No, I have not been given any commission money from the Werther's company.
Rather, I want to propose that we read and talk about Scripture more like the lady from the Werther's commercial.
What if we began to savor Scripture? To be surprised by Scripture? To truly enjoy it? To pick up one verse at a time and dwell on it and let it stay on our tongue?
Tucked away in the tiny book of James is a verse I read this morning.
If any of you lacks wisdom.
This verse arrives in the middle of James' exhortations to persevere through trials. Wisdom is part of maturity.
As I try to figure out how to be a 23 year-old in the world of youth ministry, I feel like I lack wisdom everyday. And yet, I read James and am reminded that God will give wisdom to those who ask.
And so, I am going to take this verse and let it sit on my tongue for a while. I am going to ask God surprise me with his Word.
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